What goes on in the kitschy kitchen? Recipes and ramblings from the home of Kitschy Cupcakes.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Still on the road

Kitschy cupcakes has been on the road in recent weeks. Sadly, not in a delightful whirl of visiting bakeries and cake shops, but 'doing the day job'. Stopping at weekends only to BAKE! (And do the washing.)

I'm also in the middle of a website overhaul at the moment, and am about to launch July's flavour (rose), minicupcakes and information about cupcakes for parties. Phew! So I've been quiet on the blog, but all go in the real world.

Also been planning an expansion into other cakes, tarts, scones etc (although resiting the ruddy whoopie pie), so need new branding. If you've any ideas (sensible or amusing) for a new name, send 'em over! Top of my list at the moment are CakeSmith and Wimblebakes. Oh, 'the naming of things is a difficult matter'.